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Meet Me Where I'm At

Traditionally, we have to be tough and hold in our emotions but studies have shown that bottling up those emotions can damage a person over time. Having a noticeable difference brings on a variety of emotions that are difficult to deal with, especially as a child. If we can allow those emotions to ride out and address them as they rise, then we can all become healthier in our mental health, which contributes to other parts of our lives. I want to be able to show others that it is okay to feel the emotions you feel about your cleft or whatever differences you have. You can accept your differences and make the best of your situation. However, if you are not accepting and positive all the time, then that is okay too. Let us not stay in the dumps about it for too long. Try to figure out the best ways to bring yourself or loved ones back up. The current moments don't last forever. You are wonderful! #CLEFTEMBRACE #Embracethedifference #cleftworld #cleftgirl #cleftwoman #cleftmom #differentisbeautiful #acceptance #emotionsareallowed #mentalhealthmatters

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